Thursday 21 May 2009

Adjournment debate: we win the call for a public inquiry

A significant success: Since the outset of this campaign, we've been calling for accountability and for those responsible for this mess to pay the price. It appears we won that argument yesterday, during an Adjournment Debate in Parliament, which can be watched online, here.

You can also read the whole transcript here. The final paragraph represents a big result for us so far:

"Mr. Lammy: There will, of course, be an independent inquiry, and an inquiry by the National Audit Office into the financial arrangements for universities, which will have particular regard to the London Met situation."
Let's hope that we'll see more responsibility for the current crisis at London Met from the managers who got away with this for so long, and not us staff and students who have been told to pay the price...

Will the Board of Governors please explain: Why are we still paying for Brian Roper's salary until December?

Thanks are due to Jeremy Corbyn especially for having campaigned tirelessly to get this all out in the open.

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